Emotions and Health


Your Emotional State is the Cornerstone of Health and Well-being

Striving Toward Joy, Love, and Freedom

Below is the chapter on The Importance of Emotion taken from Dr. Sean Woods’ book, “The Healing Vibe.”

My entire career has been a search for the meaning of life and the truth about health. Early in my practice I was specifically interested in the connections between emotions and disease. I still have a journal from my first years in chiropractic practice that states, “I want to know the truth in health.” From the laws of attraction and the intention put forth, I have consistently been shown and guided to what I believe is the answer to true health.

The conclusion I have come to is that the emotional state is the cornerstone of health and well-being. Emotions are important to humans because they are our indicators on how well we are doing on our life’s journey. They are meant to guide us and remind us if we are making healthy choices in all aspects of our health. Emotions transcend the physical and chemical, they are the guiding force that create our physical experience. The pursuit of joy, gratitude, love, and appreciation should be on the agenda of anyone looking to get well. It is apparent and self-evident when studied for only a short while.

The laws of nature and specifically the Law of Attraction states that when you spend as much time as possible in the present moment absorbing the feelings of love, joy, and appreciation, your body gets healthier. Abraham explains that there is an emotional scale that we can always find ourselves on. The scale runs from the most negative of feelings like despair, grief, or hopelessness up to the top of the scale where love, joy, and bliss reside. Those positive feelings at the top of the emotional scale should be the goal of anyone who wants to get healthy.

Although very few people ever permanently stay in that positive emotional center, the goal is to recognize how to make your way up the scale, and, when you get to the top or close to the top to try to stay there for as long as you can. Is this confusing? If so, here’s how it works. Take a look at this scale of emotions from the highest level of emotional wellbeing to the lowest:

  • Joy/Appreciation/Empowerment/Freedom/Love

  • Passion

  • Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness

  • Positive Expectation/Belief/Optimism

  • Hopefulness

  • Contentment

  • Boredom

  • Pessimism

  • Frustration/Irritation/Impatience

  • Overwhelm

  • Disappointment

  • Doubt

  • Worry

  • Blame

  • Discouragement

  • Anger/Revenge

  • Hatred/Rage

  • Jealousy

  • Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness

  • Fear/Grief/Despair/Powerlessness

Understand that you cannot feel two opposing emotions at the same time. If you can find a way to feel happy or positive, you cannot not feel sad or frustrated simultaneously. Consider how that can become a tool for improving your health. Take a good look at that emotional scale list. Consider how these feelings can attribute to your good or poor health. Take a minute and actively feel each of the emotions from the bottom to the top, sense each feeling for a few seconds and feel the different tensions your body needs to create to feel the emotion.

The goal to feeling better more often is to begin to find ways to move yourself from a negative emotion to a positive one. However, that doesn’t mean you can easily change from feeling fear to feeling love in an instant. Progression can take a little time as you get used to spending more time in better feelings and moving up the scale is the plan of action.

Moving up the scale happens in steps. As you climb up the scale you may still be in a negative state of mind, but a healthier negative state of mind than when you began. It can seem strange if you’re not familiar with this concept but being angry is a better feeling than feeling fear or despair. Once you feel consciously angry (meaning, you recognize yourself in the active feeling of anger), you then have an increased ability to move to a feeling of hope within the given situation. With the exercise, you are now able to see the emotional dilemma from a larger perspective. Even though these are still not feelings of love, joy, and gratitude, can you begin to see how they are improvements?

Order your copy of “The Healing Vibe,” by Dr. Sean Woods.